Building Astropad

We talk through 4 ways business school didn't prepare Savannah for a startup and what she wishes she had learned.

Show Notes

What if business school isn't great preparation for running a startup?

On this episode, we talk about what Savannah learned in business school and how it didn't prepare her for the scrappy startup world. We talk about why business school is better suited for the corporate world, how money doesn't solve everything and how bootstrapped startups are for those that get their hands dirty. 

Savannah shares tips on:
  1. How to talk to customers
  2. How to be scrappy
  3. When to roll up your sleeves
  4. And why you need to fail (sometimes)
If you're a student interested in entrepreneurship, definitely tune in for this one.

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On this episode, you'll learn:
  • How a typical business school doesn't prepare you for startups
  • Savannah's top 4 fundamental lessons for bootstrapped startups
  • Her tips for filling in the knowledge gaps that school left

Links and resources

What is Building Astropad?

Go behind the scenes with Building Astropad, a podcast about building something from nothing — hosted by Astropad CEO Matt Ronge. It's for anyone starting a project, launching a business, or scratching a creative itch.