The Wrangle Ramble Show

Unfortunately, this has to be goodbye. We have reached the end of our school year and we will no longer be in our wonderful podcasting class where we produce this podcast. I, Hairy B, Bode, will be graduating this year and going off to college. Chulo, Luis, will be graduating as well and returning to Spain. Lil Cap, Patrick, will be a senior next year. Cheese, Alex, will also be a senior next year. Orphan and Lil L, Ty and Aaron/AP, will be sophomores. This has been such a fun and incredible group, and to be honest, I never would have thought our podcast would have come out the way it did. We give special thanks to our podcasting teacher, Mr. Hallinan, and to Mrs. Randazzo, a teacher at our school who always provided us with her classroom to record. All of the memories we have are packed into this episode, but of course, we could not fit everything. Just one last time, thank you for listening to the Wrangle Ramble Show, I hope all of you have a wonderful day, this has been the Wrangle Ramble Show Finale, peace.

-Hairy B

What is The Wrangle Ramble Show?

Welcome to the Wrangle Ramble show, where the guys will discuss the hottest of takes and the most conspired of theories. Tap in with Bode, Cheese, Orphan, Lil L, Chulo, and Cap for the greatest wrangles you've ever heard!