Women Waken: Spiritual Healing for Trauma in Relationships to Shift from Codependency to Divine Feminine

If you've been listening to the show regularly for the past few months then you have heard me speak of the amazing healer I've been working with, Dr. Jolyn Sparling. Jolyn is a beautiful and calming presence who can put you at ease and guide you with honesty and subtle humor towards the state of being that you deserve to experience. Jolyn is a doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, certified breath coach, & an Intuitive Healer. The skills and tools she offers are used for not only those struggling with a mental or physical illness but also for those exploring the potential of their psycho-spiritual and physical potential. 

On this guest episode I am delighted to welcome Dr Jolyn to the show to share her profound wisdom, powerful experiences, and learnings from her life. Jolyn tells some remarkable stories from nearly freezing to death in the Himalayas to surviving a brain tumor as well as conquering her own heart and finding her way to having a lovely family nestled in a cabin she built in the woods of Canada. Jolyn also gets into her work as a Naturopath and having extensively studied Jungian psychotherapy, somatic IFS, somatic EMDR, inner child and inner parent work, and unique techniques that leverage the mind to heal pain, discomfort, and multiple physical conditions and diseases. Together we chat about what it means to know yourself, life transitions, shame, and  what does doing "the work" actually mean & what does it look like?

The work Dr. Jolyn Starling offers is for those who are ready to really defend and nurture the physical vessel they’ve been entrusted with. This work is for those willing to walk into all corners of their psyche bravely and respectfully. This work is for those who know that tending to the whole and honoring how each realm influences the others is imperative if we expect to deeply heal and grow. It is her goal to attend to the underlying cause of suffering and not just address symptoms. This is why the client's approach in this work is unique to them. No one else shares their individual geometry - how all parts of them come together to feel whole again is an individual process, unique to only the individual. Jolyn doesn’t work with predetermined plans, diets, supplements or drugs prescribed based only on a clinical diagnosis. 

Her interest in integrative healthcare developed while working with Mother Theresa’s orphanage for disabled children and palliative care hospital in India. It was there that she learned how an integrative, open approach to healthcare is what best serves the patient, their families, and their community. Shortly after becoming licenced as a naturopathic doctor she shifted her focus to integrate mind-body-heart medicine within her clinical practice. She made this change when she saw that deep healing of the physical body is really only possible when the mind comes into balance as well - and healing of the mind is really only possible when the physical body also comes into balance. When both are addressed with the help of the heart, the opening to heal much faster and with much more grace is available to us. 

You can learn more about Jolyn and how to work with her here: 

What is Women Waken: Spiritual Healing for Trauma in Relationships to Shift from Codependency to Divine Feminine?

My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and emotions.

After years of therapy, getting sober, and choosing to begin the journey of unconditional self love for myself, things started to change. My self esteem rose along with my self regard and kindness towards myself. I knew there was only one thing I wanted to do with the rest of my life; help others out of the place that I was in and start figuring out how we can end these cycles for good, for all of us.

Women Waken is building community and offering a platform for Women to come together who share a vision of creating a new way of life where insecurity, low self esteem, and self- destruction are no longer the norm. Where we are able to rebalance the dynamic between the inner and outer Worlds so that our ability to love and accept ourselves is no longer dependent on externals.

On this show, we speak to Women who are seeking to heal from traumas/habits/addictions that are keeping them in a place of disempowerment who are ready to begin aligning with their true self and are ready to let their light shine

I release two episodes a week, an interview and solo episode,

If you feel ready to reclaim your power and stand in your Divine light I hope this show finds you!