Lifetree Sermon of the Week

The love Jesus calls us to follow Him is not compatible with hearts closed off to other people’s pain and problems

Show Notes

1 John 3:16-18
1 John 4:19-21

The love Jesus calls us to follow Him is not compatible with hearts closed off to other people’s pain and problems.  Feelings of hopelessness and insignificance, or simply avoidance of pain, can cause us to live with guarded hearts.  Jesus calls us to live exposed and vulnerable to the needs of others.  To let it affect us.  The world's biggest problem was addressed by God clothing Himself with humanity, entering into our mess with us, and identifying so deeply with our sin that “He became sin”.  He bore our problem as His problem.  Jesus teaches us to not draw back, but rather draw near to darkness, pain, and problems.

What need, darkness, or pain might Jesus be asking you to draw near to (to meet, light up, or heal)?


Lifetree Church is a family all about declaring and displaying Jesus to transform lives, and benefit our city.

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What is Lifetree Sermon of the Week?

Lifetree is a community of believers in Victoria, BC. We are a family all about declaring and displaying Jesus to transform lives and benefit our city.