The Lookout on RNC RADIO

This week the hosts are joined by diehard Fate Stay/Night fan & Twitch streamer, Simmy, as they dive headfirst into the Nasuverse with the Holy Grail Wars of both Fate/Zero & Fate Stay/Night! Tune in as they discuss the various story elements, character conflicts & much more with one of the most famous Visual Novel franchises of all time.  

Follow The Lookout Network on Twitter: @TheLookoutRNC
Follow Dee on Twitter: @DeeWeTrust
Follow Jay on Twitter: @VersaceVegeta_ 
Follow Simmy on Twitter: @SaberKinniku

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Welcome to The Lookout on RNC RADIO, home of The Lookout Podcast, Mt. Silver Podcast, Subs Lie, Dubs Lie and all other content exploring anime.