Business Partner Partners

Sean and Kate Gaffney met in line at a concert (rom com?) and were engaged in less than nine months. After having two kids together, Kate recognized a problem and wanted a solution- so she created it. She imagined being able to carry her kids and/or hold their hands and also be able to stylishly and comfortably carry her keys. From the moment they decided to move forward with the business over a Latin American lunch, to the website launching and leather wristlets being for sale it was a total of 6 days. We talk to Sean and Kate about their motivation behind the business, launching a business during Covid, social media strategy for a physical product, and how they’ve each learned things through the business that have launched them to success. Their story is inspiring for anyone who is waiting for the *right moment* to launch and anyone who wants to hear an encouraging story about two people solving a problem for one that ended up solving a problem for thousands!  

What is Business Partner Partners?

Hi, we’re Chrissy and Ryan McCrary, spouses and business partners running a coffee shop and bar in Greenville, SC called Mountain Goat. We’re here to bring you along for the roller coaster of running a business together. We’ve experienced firsthand the loneliness of running a business - even together. We’re here to help you feel less lonely in your journey. Whether you run a business with your partner, on your own, or are just thinking of starting your journey. Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at not only our business but of other partners' businesses together and those that are on their own.