Baywatch Rookie School

S3 E6: Showdown at Malibu Beach High. Psst, hey kid, you wanna see one of them High School Musicals? Well take a look at what I've got right here. It's definitely the same thing and I'll sell it to you for only $5.

Show Notes

S3 E6: Showdown at Malibu Beach High. Psst, hey kid, you wanna see one of them High School Musicals? Well take a look at what I've got right here. It's definitely the same thing and I'll sell it to you for only $5.

Morgan's Rating: 3
Michael's Rating: 3

Episode discussion starts @14:19. Post-episode discussion starts @01:06:31.

@55:39 Like I'm walking on sunshine.

@01:14:37 The tweet referencing the "25 hour day".

Art by Katie Rose @kilogramrose.

What is Baywatch Rookie School?

A podcast where 2 men—who have never watched Baywatch before—try and watch Baywatch!