If we’re talking only about liquids you drink—because the water in the Bible is washed in, crossed over, and even walked on once—wine is no.1.
Wine appears more than 200 times in the Bible. And almost all of them are positive references—not critiques.
Christianity has a long, rich history with wine. But oftentimes, we’ve made it much more complicated and, at times, harmful.
- (02:36) - - Wine in the Bible
- (04:52) - - Meeting Gisela
- (09:16) - - Different drinking cultures
- (13:32) - - Alcohol in America
- (17:54) - - Wine in the Old Testament
- (23:36) - - Jesus and the wedding of Cana
- (27:30) - - 5 Minute Jesus
- (35:19) - - Early Christianity and wine
- (40:57) - - Monks, nuns, and booze
- (46:17) - - When to stop drinking
- (49:04) - - Drinking as a sin
- (55:00) - - Holy tipsiness
- (59:09) - - Alcoholism
- (01:02:13) - - The Godliness of wine
- (00:00) - Chapter 15
What is Undeceptions with John Dickson?
Every week on Undeceptions we’ll explore some aspect of life, faith, history, culture, or ethics that is either much misunderstood or mostly forgotten. With the help of people who know what they’re talking about, we’ll be trying to ‘undeceive ourselves’ and let the truth ‘out’.