Embracing Digital This Week

In digital transformation news for the week of July 17, 2023, Pope Francis offers guidance on AI ethics, Intel remains America's cyber fortress, and the edge computing market is set to soar!

Artificial Intelligence

Has AI now been blessed by religion? The Vatican goes digital with divine guidance! Gizmodo reports that Pope Francis and the Vatican have released an AI ethics document, bringing the holy touch to the world of artificial intelligence. It's like a technological sermon on the importance of ethical AI practices. Hallelujah for digital righteousness!


Elon Musk strikes again, this time with an AI company! The tech mogul has launched a new venture focused on artificial intelligence that will “Seek the truth”. It seems Musk can't resist diving into futuristic endeavors. Will this be another game-changer or just another feather in his futuristic cap? Only time will tell!


Generative AI goes “MAD” after a few rounds of artificial data! Tom's Hardware reports that generative AI starts producing wildly bizarre outcomes when trained on artificial data for over five iterations. The AI’s imagination seems to have run wild, unleashing a quirky and unexpected side. Let's hope it doesn't give us AI-generated unicorns running amok!



In the realm of cyber-fortresses, Forbes crowns Intel as the reigning champion! The 2023 list of America's most cyber secure companies spotlights Intel's unrivaled defense skills. With its tech prowess and a fortress of innovation, Intel stands tall, ready to face any digital adversary. They don their virtual capes and protect our data from cyber villains with style and finesse. It's no wonder Intel is the talk of the cybersecurity town!


The national cybersecurity battle plan has been unveiled! Help The implementation plan for the National Cybersecurity Strategy has been published. It's a strategic playbook to defend against digital threats, outlining the steps to safeguard our virtual realms. Let's rally behind this plan and fortify our nation's cyber defenses. Onward to a safer digital future!


The cybersecurity battleground between the US and China is intensifying amid growing tensions. The Hacker News reports on alarming email compromises within US government agencies, further fueling concerns about the ongoing cyber war. It's a high-stakes clash of digital titans, underscoring the pressing need for robust defenses and international cooperation in the face of persistent cyber threats.


Edge Computing

Infineon and Edge Impulse join forces to unleash the power of Edge AI! Edge Computing News states this dynamic partnership aims to expand Infineon's edge AI capabilities. It's like a match made in tech heaven, combining Infineon's expertise with Edge Impulse's cutting-edge solutions. Get ready for AI at the edge, revolutionizing how we process data and unlocking new realms of innovation!


Hold onto your hats because the edge computing market is set to skyrocket! Edge Computing News reveals that by 2028, this booming industry will be worth a whopping $111.3 billion. It's like an edge computing gold rush, with companies racing to capitalize on the immense potential of decentralized processing power. Prepare for a paradigm shift as the edge takes center stage in the digital revolution!


Seoul Robotics is expanding transportation technology with its advanced 3D perception technology. EdgeIR reports on this game-changing innovation that brings enhanced depth perception to transportation systems. As vehicles begin to utilize this cutting-edge technology from Seoul Robotics, we can anticipate safer and smarter journeys in the future.


What is Embracing Digital This Week?

We are in the throws of the digital revolution. During this time, it can be challenging to sift through all of the hype and find what works, what is still viable two years from now, and what contributes to your organization. Many IT organizations need help with confusing messages and conflicting technologies. We help organizations sort through the chatter and embrace digital transformation. The world of digital transformation is constantly changing, and you need to know what is viable today. Listen to the podcast weekly for the latest news in cybersecurity, advanced communications, data management, artificial intelligence, edge, and cloud computing.