Dad Starting Over

Jared, a divorced father, seeks advice on whether to continue doing activities as a family with his ex-wife and kids. The host suggests setting boundaries and prioritizing his own emotional well-being. While some argue that it's best for the children, the host emphasizes the importance of detaching emotionally and expediting the separation process. Listeners share their opinions, with one mentioning that if it's painful for either party, the kids will sense it. The host concludes that it's normal to still have lingering feelings but advises saying no and focusing on what's best for the children.

What is Dad Starting Over?

Welcome to the Dad Starting Over podcast! "Starting Over" means different things to different people. It could be that you're newly divorced and starting over fresh with a new life. It could be that you're still married and wanting to hit the reset button and finally do things right within your marriage. Whatever your story may be, you're in the right place.

I'm DSO, the author of books called "The Dead Bedroom Fix", "NOW WHAT?", and "Red Flags". You can learn more about me, my books, one-on-one coaching, and the member-only part of my site called the DSO Fraternity at