Love Brand You

Here today to talk about community and the role it plays in growing her online global business is Lorraine Dallmeier, a Biologist, Environmental Scientist and eLearning Entrepreneur.  Four years ago she quit her job as a wind farm developer and took over the running of a small online school called Formula Botanica, which teaches people how to make their own organic skincare and haircare.  Since taking over, Lorraine has completely transformed Formula Botanica.  She’s grown a small online website with a minimal 5-figure turnover to a 7-figure global brand. She’s achieved accreditation for Formula Botanica and even led the school to winning an international eLearning industry award for excellence in the design of learning content. Listen in to our conversation to find out more about Lorraine, Formula Botanica, building an online global brand and how you can skyrocket your business by engaging and nurturing your community.To learn more about Formula Botanica please visit the following sites:  

Show Notes

Here today to talk about community and the role it plays in growing her online global business is Lorraine Dallmeier, a Biologist, Environmental Scientist and eLearning Entrepreneur.  Four years ago she quit her job as a wind farm developer and took over the running of a small online school called Formula Botanica, which teaches people how to make their own organic skincare and haircare.  Since taking over, Lorraine has completely transformed Formula Botanica.  She’s grown a small online website with a minimal 5-figure turnover to a 7-figure global brand. She’s achieved accreditation for Formula Botanica and even led the school to winning an international eLearning industry award for excellence in the design of learning content. Listen in to our conversation to find out more about Lorraine, Formula Botanica, building an online global brand and how you can skyrocket your business by engaging and nurturing your community.

To learn more about Formula Botanica please visit the following sites:



What is Love Brand You?

Sam Rafoss will introduce you to soulful entrepreneurs who are either beginning their discovery of their personal brand or masters of it. Using her business & marketing expertise and spirituality, she will uncover the connection between our inner-self and the role it plays in our outer brand to unveil the secrets of success. Sam’s soul calling is to help the healers of the world attract their ideal clients and make money doing what they love to do. Listen in and learn the techniques and tools to discover your own individuality and personal brand.