Billet Doux

A beautiful love story, written by Hector Berlioz for Harriet Smithson (1865). 

“A plan began to take shape in my mind: Harriet Smithson should hear of me! She should know that I also was an artist!” 

If you have a love letter that you’d like me to read right here ON AIR for all the world to hear, send it to me via email at

If you’re struggling to find the words with which to sweep your beloved off his/her feet, reach out to me at Together, we’ll compose the perfect love letter with which to get the job done! 

Instagram: @danielethanfinneran


Before you go…

Take a peek at my other podcasts: 

Finneran’s Wake (Interviews) 

Pneuma (Meditations) 

What is Billet Doux?

Welcome to Billet Doux, a show about literature and love.

Listen to the greatest love letters ever composed or, if you’re so inclined, write and submit your own!

If there’s something you’d like to say to that special guy or gal, don’t keep it to yourself…

Send it over to and I’ll read it ON AIR for all the world to hear!

Let’s relearn how to love, one letter at a time.