the Love Says podcast

The conversation today is with the wondrous Debbie Esparza.

Debbie is a CEO, an activist, an advocate, a dancer, a speaker, a philanthropist — and a lover of hummingbirds. 

A breaker of old systems and a creative initiator of new.

In this two-part episode, she shares about:
  • What it looks like to live ‘Love as Leadership’ 
  • What happens when we don’t make love about just one person
  • Stories of when she had to hide who she was in order to be ‘a success’
  • Her experience at the Gay Games in Paris
  • Arriving at a place where she can celebrate all of her intersections
  • What 5-year-old her is most surprised about her life now
This conversation is a a parade of inspiration and a reminder of what can change when we live from Love.

What is the Love Says podcast?

What unfolds when we each find our own way back to a place of love?

Love can get us through the most painful moments, give us the freedom to grow , the courage to change - and Love can lead us to a whole lot of peace and joy and possibility.

So let’s see what happens — in us, in our life and in our world when we listen in to what Love Says.
the Love Says podcast Team:
Co-Produced by Elizabeth Johnson & Paul Voran
Engineered by Paul Voran at SoapBox Records
Logo Art Design by Courtney Stephens of Fairfield Street Designs
Theme music by Paul Voran
Messaging & Marketing by Amy Fukuizumi at You're a Big Deal