Voices In Recovery Podcast

This week, Jasmine stops by to share their journey into and within their life of recovery. She could not imagine a life without drinking and using, as that was her modelling as a child. She believes that her life would always be like the lives of her family. Her mother was a victim of the 60's scoop and we learn that every step the government took to eradicate her family, led her to recovery. She has been sober for 6 years and works hard everyday to be of use to other humans. Thank you Jasmine, we appreciate you and all of the work you're doing in our communities. 
End genocide

What is Voices In Recovery Podcast?

Stories from survivors and warriors living in the world of recovery. We can and do recover in many different ways and these stories are from incredible humans living their second, third, hundredth lives. Tune in for a laugh, a cry, and some information you may not have had yesterday.