Doing The Most

Unlock the power of your curiosity and reignite your passion for learning with our more than special guest today: Dana Kaplan! In this episode, we’ll be exploring the connection between curiosity and personal growth - tune in and discover the cure for stagnation in your life & career!

Dana Kaplan is a retired award winning classroom educator turned lifetime educator for the world. Dana helps youth and young adults confidently and courageously use their positively powerful voice to curiously navigate their expansive and infinite learning journey.

This episode was sponsored by GSD Solutions - your all in one solution for Small Business Growth. Reach us out at if you want to connect better with your clients and innovate your business!

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The conversation doesn’t stop here. Follow my journey on Instagram at @gsdwithgeorgie as I continue to DO THE MOST!
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What is Doing The Most?

In our modern day lens, entrepreneurship has become a huge trend. People fantasize over quitting their jobs, becoming their own boss, and gaining financial freedom. Everyone wants to be the next Steve Jobs, Oprah or Jeff Bezos. We get caught up with social influencers and billion-dollar startups aka the land of fairies and unicorns. People often forget the time, energy and money that gets invested into earning these magical moments. The nights spent crying, waking up to negative bank account balances, spats of depression, or working 22 hour work days. All entrepreneurs go through phases of misadventures. We are driven, persistent, hardworking, ambitious, we are doers, and these are our stories.