The Hammerbarn Project

Merry Merry NuNear listeners! It’s a new year and you’re STILL listening to us? What a cause for celebration – but not TOO much celebration. Cause thar be whale watching in the morning to do! To ring in the new year we re-open our InBarks to respond to you lovely people who took the time. In our nautical journey, we make a few discoveries: Greg is a ratbag, Natalie Portman is one Brenny’s speed dial, and Pirates are somehow related to David Attenborough.  Is this the roughest we’ve ever seen Bandit and Chilli? Parent guilt is a real thing! Naomi’s picks is back and we close it all out with a memorable outro – best one of 2023 so far! 

What is The Hammerbarn Project?

We're just three blokes talking about the amazing Australian animation Bluey. Wackadoo!