The Just A Mom Podcast

This is a unique episode in that Stephanie, a mom with a special needs child who also has anxiety and depression, requested that her son’s psychologist also be part of our conversation. Stephanie’s son had a stroke in utero that they discovered when he was 3 months old. He has cerebral palsy and an intellectual disability. At age 6, he had surgery where the right half of his brain was removed because of severe epilepsy.  Stephanie’s son is also autistic and has anxiety and panic attacks.   

Dr. Caroline Danda ( is a licensed clinical psychologist with specialized training in children and adolescents and health conditions. Stephanie credits Dr. Danda and her work with Stephanie’s family in the transformation of their household. 

This episode is chock full of challenges and hope and reminds us that people with special needs have feelings, too. Dr. Danda developed The Invisible Riptide with Carron Montgomery to create resources to help fill in the gaps because so many parents don’t know what to do (

Creators & Guests

Susie Gurley
Susie shares the real stories of moms and dads who have walked the lonely, scary road of parenting a child with mental illness. You're not alone. There is hope.

What is The Just A Mom Podcast?

My name is Susie.  I have three children, the youngest of whom struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. I never thought this could happen to me, and I missed the signs.  Being a parent is really hard, and I'm here to help! I'm talking to parents and experts to help you with the issues your kids may face.  I want you to know that you are not alone and there is hope.