The Space In-Between

“Even in your worst days, there is always something beautiful… You just need to look for it.”

The space in between is a pause in the energy of something where it was one thing, but you're not sure what the next thing is:

For example, living a healthy life, then finding out you have a terminal diagnosis, having a happy marriage, then getting a divorce, or loving your job, then getting fired.

To kick off #TheSpaceIn-Between, host @Dinine Sig sits down with her close friend @Kelly Grizzard to discuss the meaning behind “the space in-between” and how the phrase was carefully crafted into something beautiful. 

They share the importance of self-care during difficult seasons, the power of community, and what you can expect to hear in future episodes.

Key Takeaways:
  • Among it all, don’t forget to take care of yourself
  • Seek support and understanding. Create a community you can fall back on
  • Use the in-between moments as opportunities for growth and development


What is The Space In-Between?

Life creates many in-between moments.

Whether those in-betweens create grief, sorrow, heartache, or pain, also know that joy, refinement, hope, and transformation are just around the corner.

Dinine Sig wants to accompany you in all of these in-between times–because she herself has seen many. The Space In-
Between is your opportunity to connect, refresh, and renew yourself. Dinine hosts conversations that will carry you through all of life’s significant moments–all of which will help you feel empowered, encouraged, and understood.
Remember, there is magic found in the in-betweens.