Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

You might rely on your meds, but how well are you attuned to your body's own positive response to how you live in the world with your ADHD? This week, TCA coach Aviva Nirenberg joins us to talk about the ADHD Trinity: Sleep, Exercise, and Nutrition, and how they work together to change how you live with your ADHD!

Show Notes

Aviva Nirenberg has ADHD in the family. Mom of three children with ADHD, and non-ADHD spouse of a husband with ADHD, her coaching career started with the lived experience in helping her family navigate the world while living with ADHD. Now, she's a certified ADHD and Family Coach and is one of our valued coaches here at Take Control ADHD.

This week on the show, Avivia joins us to talk about natural approaches to navigating your ADHD. No, that doesn't mean supplements and such, rather simple, straight-forward re-assessment of how you handle sleep, exercise, and nutrition — and how they work together for your body and brain.

Learn more about Aviva and her coaching with TCA. And, if you're looking for the countertop herb garden, it's Aerogarden, and here's the Amazon link to it.
  • (00:00) - Welcome to The ADHD Podcast!
  • (03:38) - Introducing Aviva Nirenberg
  • (07:23) - Sleep
  • (13:08) - Exercise
  • (23:55) - Nutrition
  • (31:12) - All the changes, all right now
  • (32:50) - Mindfulness

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What is Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast?

Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright offer support, life management strategies, and time and technology tips, dedicated to anyone looking to take control while living with ADHD.