Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter

COVID-19 isn't just impacting the grocery store shelves or your favorite restaurant. It has impacted the advertising industry in a big way. The American Advertising Federation Houston has adapted and adjusted the schedule of events and programs. Get the district-wide perspective through conversations with the Ad Clubs in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and here in Houston.

Show Notes

Our lives have been disrupted like never before.  From the cancellation of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo to sporting events and our day-to-day life as what we used to call "normal.  Our new normal is practicing safe behaviors and reaching for a new level of patience in our daily lives.  COVID-19 has also disrupted the advertising industry.  Listen to a local and district-wide perspective of how we are coping and our optimistic expectations as we adjust to a new way of doing things. 

Ad Speaks Houston is an audio production of Radio Lounge:  Voiceover coach Houston , podcast studio Houston

What is Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter?

Ad Speaks Houston takes you behind the scenes with the people and programs that make the American Advertising Federation - Houston Chapter (AAF-Houston) one of the top Ad Clubs in the country. Great conversations about how this club reaches a broad base of multi-cultural creatives and marketing professionals, and how it continues to lead the way in membership and growth.