Stationery Freaks

In this episode we chat about what stationery we take with us when we travel. Let us know what you take.

We cover:
  • Bookaroo notebook carry cases are Helen's new thing. (affiliate Amazon link)
  • Van Neistat's inspiring Rob again - this time to create ToDo lists and organise himself
  • Helen waxes lyrical about some new exercise books
  • Rob turned up to a Mastermind meeting with the worst stationery
  • We then chat about what we take with us to conferences and when travelling with work.
- Notebooks
- Pens
- Pencil cases

And we also share two examples of Stationery Freaks we've spotted in the wild - and how we might approach them to talk stationery.
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What is Stationery Freaks?

A podcast dedicated to stationery and how to use to get great work done.