Pop Pantheon
Episode null
Season 1
Send Us Your Questions for Our Listener Mailbag Episode!
We’re planning a mailbag episode that's dropping
very (and we mean mean VERY)
soon + we want your questions!
Curious what Louie thinks of a recent trend in pop? Want to know what he thinks is coming next for a certain pop star? Or what goes on behind the scenes at Pop Pantheon? Have burning questions about upcoming album rollouts, historical pop quandaries or Louie + Russ’s personal lives?
Hit us up! We want to hear from you! Voicenotes are best, simply record yourself with your phone + send the file to
poppantheonpod@gmail.com (we love to hear your voices!). You can also send us written questions too.
And did we mention this is dropping soon? So don't wait too long :-)