Pop Pantheon

Pop Pantheon Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

Send Us Your Questions for Our Listener Mailbag Episode!

Send Us Your Questions for Our Listener Mailbag Episode! Send Us Your Questions for Our Listener Mailbag Episode!

We’re planning a mailbag episode that's dropping very (and we mean mean VERY) soon + we want your questions!

Curious what Louie thinks of a recent trend in pop? Want to know what he thinks is coming next for a certain pop star? Or what goes on behind the scenes at Pop Pantheon? Have burning questions about upcoming album rollouts, historical pop quandaries or Louie + Russ’s personal lives?

Hit us up! We want to hear from you! Voicenotes are best, simply record yourself with your phone + send the file to poppantheonpod@gmail.com (we love to hear your voices!). You can also send us written questions too. 

And did we mention this is dropping soon? So don't wait too long :-) 

Creators & Guests

DJ Louie XIV
Louie is a DJ, writer and pop music obsessive who has played in venues across the world and clients that include Vanity Fair Magazine, Zac Posen, The New Yorker, Fendi, Twitter, Louis Vuitton, and The Met.

What is Pop Pantheon?

The podcast where DJ Louie XIV and guests completely overanalyze all your favorite pop stars, then rank them in the official Pop Pantheon.