Stupid Sexy Privacy

This week, BJ's co-author, Amanda King, speaks with Jen Caltrider, the Mozilla Foundation's "Privacy Not Included" project lead. Amanda and Jen discuss which pregnancy tracker is best for women to use right now when it comes to preserving and protecting their data. They also talk about other issues facing women as it relates to online data collection in our new, creepy, post-Roe world.

This Week's Privacy Tip

It's a short one this week, but an important one. Ensure you've deactivated biometric and facial recognition methods for unlocking your phone. We've covered that one already. But now, there's a trend where thieves are using a variety of ways to spy on their victims in an effort to observe their passcode. So, make sure you're using a long, alphanumeric passcode — write it down in your Privacy Notebook! — And make sure to obscure your screen whenever you need to unlock your phone. Only you should be able to see what you're doing.

Also: We know most of you are not storing your photos in the cloud if you're listening to this show, but if you still have backups of your photos going to the cloud, make sure to delete any photos containing financial information. And if you're going to go out for a while, it doesn't hurt to remove any apps that provide access to that information in the event your phone is stolen. You can always re-download those apps when you get home.

Support Stupid Sexy Privacy:

We recommend listening to our friends at Smashing Security for more news and tips concerning how to maintain your privacy and security after this miniseries concludes. 

*You don’t need to use the affiliate links above. They don’t cost you anything extra. But. If you do use these links, it’ll kick a couple of dollars our way to help support this project.

**BJ's first book on privacy, "The End of Privacy" is badly dated in a few sections; however, it's still very funny and the rest of the book is still (sadly) current. We've included most of the book, for free, in this podcast miniseries. If you'd like to buy the unabridged version, you can do so here.

Reserve Your Seat For Our Privacy Course

BJ Mendelson and Amanda King are the authors of the upcoming book, "How to Protect Yourself From Fascists and Weirdos." They are designing an online video-based course around the topics discussed in the book and on this show. So, if you want more information on how to protect yourself from fascists and weirdos, complete with step-by-step details and tutorials, we recommend reserving a seat for the course.

All you need to do is email us at with "Privacy Course" in the subject line.

We'll make sure to let you know when this on-demand course becomes available for purchase.

P.S. When we were coming up with titles for this episode, we were going to go with a Jimmy Cagney impression. But then we realized everyone who would get that reference is probably dead. :-(

Photo Credit: Shvartsman Dmitry

Creators & Guests

Amanda King
Amanda King is in the business of helping folks use all the algos to their advantage (and the advantage of their business). Of course, this also means she knows how important stranger danger is on the internet.
Rosie Tran
Rosie Tran is one of the fastest rising stars in the entertainment business! Originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, she moved to Hollywood to pursue her career as a professional entertainer. The stand up comedian, writer, podcast personality, and actress has toured internationally, at comedy clubs, colleges, and overseas for the USO in Europe and the Middle East.
I am the Editor of all things on the Stupid Sexy Privacy Podcast.
B.J. Mendelson
B.J. Mendelson is a world-renown humorist and author on topics involving privacy and social media.

What is Stupid Sexy Privacy?

Stupid Sexy Privacy is a podcast miniseries designed to teach you how to protect yourself from fascists and weirdos. The show is produced by author and information privacy expert B.J. Mendelson. Tune in every Thursday at 9 am EST to catch the next episode.