Living Your Life Well Planned. 80 20 365. With Adam Vincent Gilmer. Hosted by Gene Valaitis

Welcome to "Living Your Life Well Planned" 80 20 365. And on today's show and on many of the future episodes Adam will introduce you to Cheri Tree. She is the Founder and Chairman of Codebreaker Technologies, LLC., with clients in more than 180 countries worldwide. She is the creator of the revolutionary B.A.N.K. methodology and Codebreaker’s Personality Coding Technology, designed to help business owners close more sales in less time and improve their communication skills and personal relationships. On today's episode we continue with the B.A.N.K. system and introduce you to the “Science” behind B.A.N.K. and how this simple personality system can raise emotional intelligence and increase sales by 300 %. Remember, come back every week for a new episode or watch the videos on Adam’s website And tell the people you love in your life to join the free program with you. It’s simple and easy and life changing for the better.

Show Notes

Visit Adam Vincent Gilmer's website for more information and to order your very own 80 20 365 Daily Planner, CD's or to register for an upcoming workshop with Adam Vincent Gilmer. 

What is Living Your Life Well Planned. 80 20 365. With Adam Vincent Gilmer. Hosted by Gene Valaitis?

This is "Living Your Life Well Planned" featuring Adam Vincent Gilmer. Every week Adam will be taking you through another lesson in his 80 20 365 system which he has tauight in more than 100 countries. Consider this: Ever know someone who was so strong in one area but neglected other areas? That is not success. Ever know someone who focused so intently on their career that their marriage or family life suffered or maybe even got divorced? Ever meet someone who made a lot of money but lost their health in the process? There are six major areas of your life which must be kept in check otherwise – life is out of balance. We have all been there before. One of the fastest ways to get off purpose is to lose your balance. One must focus on all 6 of the major areas in your life to stay on track; Being, Brain, Body, Time, People and Money. Join Adam Vincent Gilmer and Host Gene Valaitis every week on an exciting life changing journey.