The First Period Crew

Sadie quizzes Annabelle and Caroline on their spelling bee skills. The words range from cow to syzygy. Tune in to hear who is the best speller in the First Period Crew! Special guest Sophia Azzano from The Weekly Wrap tries to stay undetected but does jump in the action now and then. Sadie explains her reasoning for choosing to hold a spelling bee (hint: the school musical). Test your spelling skills!!

What is The First Period Crew?

Whether you're driving, eating, or still in bed, listening to The First Period Crew is the perfect way to start your day! Join MIHS students Sadie and Annabelle as they talk about everything from upcoming events to fun anecdotes, favorite movies, and more! Be prepared to wake up your brain and play along as they compete in games of trivia. This show airs on KMIH 88.9 The Bridge and Spotify on Wednesday mornings at 7. Make sure to tune in!