TV Tuners

This week, Griffith and Guts bond over demon necklaces and killing while we discuss the heavily edited past of our main hero. Want to request a future bonus episode? Donate to our Buy Me a Coffee page

Show Notes

This week, Swanson, Kiorein and Stairmaster continue through Berserk as Guts and Griffith bond while showering and we get a look at the Gut's heavily censored childhood. Also, turns out this show has demons in it?!
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What is TV Tuners?

TV Tuners is an entertainment podcast that examines the week in television with wit and excitement. Every week, TV connoisseur and pop culture obsessive, Swanson, brings his best pals, Kiorein and Stairmaster, along for an examination of TV news, trailers and the hottest new shows hitting the air. We tell you what's worth watching!