A Dog's Life with Anna Webb
Episode 91
Season 1
Rebecca Walters of Pup Starts Breeders
This week Anna is joined by Rebecca Walters who is chatting about the amended and updated DEFRA guidance notes that accompany The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018. The new guidelines were announced on February 1st 2022. As a breeder of Sproodles, Rebecca prides herself on the highest health and welfare standards and ethical breeding of her dogs. Passionate to help, inform and empower those interested in breeding dogs, or those who have been breeding dogs for years, Rebecca has launched the only OFQUAL recognised course to accredit responsible breeders called Pup Starts Breeders. As a nationally recognised qualification, it’s a surefire way to meet the UK dog breeding licensing criteria. The course is unique because it doesn’t focus on just one element. From start to finish, from planning to conception, through birth, raising and beyond!
Go to
pupstartsbreeders.com or
Facebook for more information or to sign up today! Follow them on Instagram
@pupstarstbreeders and Twitter
@pupstartsbreed1For more about Anna go to
annawebb.co.ukMusic and production by Mike Hanson for
Pod People ProductionsCover art by
JaijoCover photo by Rhian Ap Gruffydd at
Gruff PawtraitsTo advertise on or sponsor A Dog's Life email: info@theloniouspunkproductions.com