Jen and Alise have the lowdown on what you never knew would happen during your pregnancy. This week, they are here to let you know what your friends never told you.

Show Notes

When it comes to hearing the juicy details, we can rely on our friends for a lot of things, but the truth about pregnancy isn’t one of them. Sure, your friends told you about swollen ankles and morning sickness but they probably never told you about finding foods that really worked with morning sickness. You know, the foods that taste the same coming up as they do going down. Body changes, pregnancy clothes, pregnancy sex? Don't worry, Jen & Alise have your back. This week, find out the honest truth about all the things your closest friends should have told you about pregnancy.


Pushing It Podcast is here to help you bring your "F" word (AKA flexibility) to birth, find courage, and gain a sense of humor. Jen and Alise get honest and real about pregnancy, birth, and life with a baby. Finally, a podcast for everyone else having a baby that wants the down and dirty truth from Professionals who believe there is no "right" way to birth or parent. Jen and Alise have your back because if you can't laugh without peeing yourself, you might as well laugh at yourself while doing it. Birth is never boring, learning about shouldn't be either.