Women Waken: Spiritual Healing for Trauma in Relationships to Shift from Codependency to Divine Feminine

As the seasoned host of the successful Get Psyched podcast my guest this week, fellow therapist Lindsey Locke, has a lot to say about working towards a healthy lifestyle. In fact, she has worked extensively as a fitness coach which is actually how I came to find out about her as she previously worked at a substance abuse recovery center. This focus on the body & mental health naturally led Lindsey towards incorporating a holistic mind, body, and emotion approach in her work helping clients live a non-toxic lifestyle.

On this guest episode, Lindsey shares with us about how she has worked towards secure attachment and healing her own attachment style. As someone who always felt like "one of the guys" and really leaned into her masculine, Lindsey had to learn to slow down, receive, and surrender which were all BIG practices for her. She also speaks on reworking her own stories around love, IFS/parts work she's done to reparent and love her inner-child, and how that's shown up in her past relationships and led her ultimately to her current relationship with her fiance. 

Lindsey is a registered associate therapist. Having spent well over a decade in the health/wellness and fitness space, Lindsey approaches the body, mind, soul, and spirit in her work with clients. With a Master's degree in Holistic Counseling Psychology, Lindsey aims to address the whole person, their stories, the parts of them they are proud (and not so proud) of, unearth patterns that once kept that person safe, but are no longer serving them, and help clients move toward healing. 

Connect With Lindsey On Instagram!


What is Women Waken: Spiritual Healing for Trauma in Relationships to Shift from Codependency to Divine Feminine?

My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and emotions.

After years of therapy, getting sober, and choosing to begin the journey of unconditional self love for myself, things started to change. My self esteem rose along with my self regard and kindness towards myself. I knew there was only one thing I wanted to do with the rest of my life; help others out of the place that I was in and start figuring out how we can end these cycles for good, for all of us.

Women Waken is building community and offering a platform for Women to come together who share a vision of creating a new way of life where insecurity, low self esteem, and self- destruction are no longer the norm. Where we are able to rebalance the dynamic between the inner and outer Worlds so that our ability to love and accept ourselves is no longer dependent on externals.

On this show, we speak to Women who are seeking to heal from traumas/habits/addictions that are keeping them in a place of disempowerment who are ready to begin aligning with their true self and are ready to let their light shine

I release two episodes a week, an interview and solo episode,

If you feel ready to reclaim your power and stand in your Divine light I hope this show finds you!