The Sleuth

In this episode, we cover the topics related to voting in 2020, what to expect at the polls, and how to be prepared if something were to happen at the polls this year.

Show Notes

Before we jump into the 2020 election voting we talk about voting on Dancing with the Stars. Jamie shares her thoughts on the cast this year.

Switching back to the election we talk about voter suppression in North Carolina. What does it look like and what to do if you witness voter intimidation at the polls?

If you are mailing in your vote there is a website that you can visit to confirm that your vote was received.

North Carolina is one of the few states that has signature validation so if something goes wrong with your ballot they will let you know by mail.

Candice and Jamie discuss the way a mail-in ballot may affect the election this year as many people who may vote by mail are more likely to vote "blue."

Candice discusses a site that will ask you a series of questions on the issues and help you understand which candidate lines up the best with your values.

Jamie and Candice talk about their cases and upcoming "murder weapon party" where they are planning to have guests bring what they believe the murder weapon is in a pro bono case they are working and they will press the possible murder weapons into playdough, let it harden, and compare to the wound patterns.

Much of the information shared by Candice on this episode is from Pod Save America. They have a website called 

What is The Sleuth?

The Sleuths are real private investigators here to help you find the truth when you need to know. With sometimes shocking, heartwarming, and hilarious stories from the field, they keep it real. Interviews with experts bring you insights on how people leverage P.I.'s in their lives and businesses. When you need to know, call the sleuths — licensed by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Jamie hosts this entertaining and informative podcast to educate individuals and business owners.