Blood & Rain

Anti-Fragile: To grow stronger with the addition of hardship or pressure.

Faith: Can not grow without hardship or pressure.

To believe that we are abandoned by God in hard times is to have a moment of fragility in our Faith.

For our Faith to be perfect is to be impossible.

But it is something we must strive for.

A habit of Faith that is necessary is to strive to turn to God in prayer when presented with hardship and pressure for what it is: an opportunity to grow closer to God.

In the physical realm of things, men are called to be Anti-Fragile in every way as God created them to be.

Effective protectors are Anti-Fragile.

Effective providers are Anti-Fragile.

Effective husband are Anti-Fragile.

Effective fathers are Anti-Fragile.

The Blood & Rain Podcast

Episode 60:

“True Faith is Anti-Fragile”

Featuring @naturep1lled


What is Blood & Rain?

Blood & Rain