Zero Ambitions Podcast

Part two of our long, rambling chat with Tania Jennings about delivering public sector projects including an Energiesprong scheme. Go back to part one if you haven't listened to it, we crash into the chat with a little overlap for context.

Show Notes

Part two of our long, rambling chat with Tania Jennings about delivering public sector projects including an Energiesprong scheme. She has experience that wraps in collective procurement as well as keeping the momentum up throughout lockdown. 

Tania has a keen insight into the many opportunities, as well as the difficulties, in trying to make our homes safer, warmer, and more efficient. 

Some of the references from the show.

We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.


What is Zero Ambitions Podcast?

Zero Ambitions is a podcast about sustainability and the built environment. There is no single solution to fixing the built environment, so we're talking our way through as much of it as we can.

We find interesting guests who know what they're talking about and speak with them about sustainability, good practice, and how to make a difference because the challenges are massive and the problems complex.

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Hosted by Jeff Colley (Passive House Plus), Dan Hyde (Everything is User Experience) and Alex Blondin (Everything is User Experience).