Manufacturing Hub

Guest Bio - Bernd Raithel from Siemens
I'm committed to supporting customers' digitization journey to achieve new productivity levels. Through collaborative meetings and sharing of ideas, I help customers to use and understand current and future technologies and create plans to achieve their future goals. The comprehensive Siemens offerings for automation technology are an excellent basis to start future projects.

Bernd Raithel joins us to discuss the importance of new technologies to manufacturing leaders.

Should leaders pay attention to emerging technologies?
Why should executives care about IT and OT groups?
How will technologies change manufacturing in the next 10 years?

Join us as we listen in on the conversations executives are having every day.

A special thank you to Siemens for sponsoring this theme and your continued support of the community.

Manufacturing Hub Episode 99.

Be sure not to miss this great conversation.

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Dave Griffith
Dave helps Industrial companies go through digital transformations that pay for themselves.
Vladimir Romanov
B. Eng / MBA - Technical Business Leader With Experience Across Manufacturing & Software Industries

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We bring you manufacturing news, insights, discuss opportunities, and cutting edge technologies. Our goal is to inform, educate, and inspire leaders and workers in manufacturing, automation, and related fields.