Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

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Episode Description: In this powerful episode, we share Emily's inspiring journey from chronic pain to recovery through the discovery and treatment of Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS). Emily opens up about her struggle with pain over the past few years, the emotional and psychological battles she faced, and the transformative strategies that helped her reclaim her life.

Key Discussion Points:
  • 00:00 - Introduction: Meet Emily and learn about her battle with chronic pain and her breakthrough with TMS.
  • 00:54 - Understanding TMS: What is Tension Myoneural Syndrome? Emily and the host explain the connection between emotions, personality, and pain manifestation.
  • 01:22 - Journey Through Pain: Emily recounts her four-year struggle with various misdiagnoses, including seronegative peripheral spondyloarthritis and Raynaud’s, and her eventual diagnosis with TMS.
  • 04:07 - The Onset of Injuries: From cubital tunnel syndrome to sciatica, Emily describes the series of injuries that compounded her pain.
  • 07:44 - Psychological and Emotional Factors: The impact of emotional repression and personality traits on chronic pain.
  • 08:13 - Finding Relief: How reading "Think Away Your Pain" by Dr. David Schechter and other resources helped Emily start her recovery journey.
  • 11:27 - What is TMS?: A deeper dive into the science behind TMS and how the brain creates and amplifies pain.
  • 17:13 - Emily’s Recovery Tools: Journaling, meditation, positive self-talk, and visualization—practical strategies Emily used to overcome TMS.
  • 22:41 - Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming the fear of pain and rebuilding a normal life.
  • 30:05 - The Role of Positive Thinking: How shifting from negative to positive thinking played a crucial role in Emily's recovery.
  • 33:35 - Early Signs of Improvement: The initial glimpses of relief and how they motivated Emily to continue her journey.
  • 36:54 - Overcoming Setbacks: Advice for those struggling with belief and persistence in their recovery.
  • 45:39 - Current Life: Emily shares her current state, pain-free and living a fulfilling life.
  • 47:35 - Resources and Recommendations: Books, YouTube videos, quizzes, and other resources to help listeners explore and address TMS.
Resources Mentioned:
  • Book: "Think Away Your Pain" by Dr. David Schechter
  • YouTube Meditation: "Powerful Chronic Pain Healing Meditation for TMS Mind Body, Dr. John Sarno"
  • Quiz: isthistms.com – To help determine if you have TMS.
Emily's email: simonsemily7@gmail.com
Follow Emily on Instagram: @painexplained_tms

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For ALL Other Resources, Visit the Website proximalhamstringtendinopathy.info

What is Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy?

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy is a horrible condition affecting athletes and non-athletes alike. If you fall victim to the misguided information that is circulating the internet, symptoms can persist for months, sometimes years and start impacting your everyday life.
This podcast is for those looking for clear, evidence-based guidance to overcome Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. Hosted by Brodie Sharpe, an experienced physiotherapist and content creator, this podcast aims to provide you with the clarity & control you desperately need.
Each episode brings you one step closer to finally overcoming your proximal hamstring tendinopathy. With solo episodes by Brodie, success stories from past sufferers and professional interviews from physiotherapists, coaches, researchers and other health professionals so you get world class content.
Tune in from episode #1 to reap the full benefits and let's get your rehabilitation back on track!