Men's Leadership Network Podcast

LifeWay Christian Resources President and CEO, Dr. Ben Mandrell, joins Pastor Jeff to discuss how to lead as men in a culture that is constantly changing. In today’s new podcast interview, Ben explains how to handle change, how to stay spiritually grounded when making decisions, and why the idea of change is such a difficult subject for men to tackle.

As someone who has had to face a great amount of change in his own life, Ben’s latest calling came in the form of taking over LifeWay Christian Resources in 2019 and leaving the church he planted in Denver, CO. It’s this transition to a different part of the country and a different part of vocational ministry that led him to a new way of thinking about change.

In this interview, Ben discusses how change always involves grief. He also explains how this sense of grief is wrapped up in our identity and provides practical ways to become untethered from the culture’s concept of work and identity.

Though Ben was saved at a young age, he admits his call into vocational ministry was very unexpected and that a significant degree of uncertainty is necessary if we want to truly live by faith in what God is calling us to. This includes being honest with what we’re driving towards and being willing to fail.

He also emphasizes the importance – and complications – of going back to the basics of the spiritual practices. We find ourselves drifting from God when we sacrifice quiet time, reading the Word, confession to other believers, and prayer in order to spend more time in our work.

More than any other advice in handling change, Ben highlights the significance of building authentic relationships that are deeper than just your job. Pursuing relational depth with God and relational intimacy with other men are the key to pursuing God in the midst of change rather than pursuing idols such as pleasure, projects, and professional achievement. Whether we realize it or not, building genuine relationships are necessary to handle the emotional weight change can bring, whether that be a change in vocation, location, or life circumstance.

Next Steps

1. Where are you pursuing genuine relationships with other men outside of work? Where are opportunities to invite others into your life rather than a location?

2. When’s the last time you stepped out in faith to what God’s calling you to? What significantly uncertain decision could you prayerfully make today?

3. What’s an area of your life you need to assess for idols you’re driving towards? What changes need to be made in response to that assessment?

What is Men's Leadership Network Podcast?

The Men's Leadership Network Podcast brings you quick, informative topics that help you serve, grow, reflect, and connect in leadership, family, and business.