Rolling Hills Community Church // Nolensville Campus

So why should we be faithful to God? Why choose friendship with Him over the world? Because God chose to enter into a relationship with us, fully knowing we would betray Him. Even after all the times we’ve walked away, made mistakes or said things we regret, God remains faithful.
God chose to send His Son, Jesus, to redeem what was already His. We were created in His image, but sin had taken us away. So, what did God do? He bought us back from sin and slavery with the blood of His Son. Jesus paid the price for our redemption. And, when you understand all that God has done for you through Christ, the pull of the world loses its appeal. 

What is Rolling Hills Community Church // Nolensville Campus?

This podcast is dedicated to the Sunday morning teaching series happening each week at Rolling Hills Community Church in Nolensville, TN.