What the HealthTech?

This week, our Head of Marketing, Justine Abson, chats with Patient Safety expert, Linda Buabeng about the importance of empowering nurses to stay engaged and help them grow within their careers. Linda has over 15 years of experience within all areas of healthcare, starting as a paediatric nurse and then moving into the world of governance, quality, and compliance, working for King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Cromwell Hospital, Cleveland Clinic in the UK, and RCN Leadership & Management group.

As an experienced regulatory specialist with a passion for patient safety, Linda is now focused on strategic management and leadership, helping nurses and front-line professionals to develop into senior roles, access the right information, and stay connected within the healthcare space. In this episode, Justine and Linda discuss everything from PSIRF and culture shifts to the power of social media and networking, and much more!

If you would like to connect with Linda, please check out her LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-buabeng-msc-bsc-hons-a2782989/), Instagram (@blacknursecorporate), and Twitter (@blacknursecorp1) accounts.

What is What the HealthTech??

What The HealthTech?, a podcast from Radar Healthcare, creates a space for health and social care professionals to join honest conversations about current trends, challenges in the sector and making an impact on people’s lives.
In our bi-weekly Thursday episodes, we’ll be chatting to industry leaders, inspiring organisations, and our own team at Radar Healthcare, to share insight and learn alongside you.
Listen today to discover something new, and don’t forget to subscribe!