In Conversation with My Owner

Kathy chat about Scout her Springer Spaniel, her first dog who came to her in Lockdown and the delights of his training regime

What is In Conversation with My Owner?

Rebekah Wexler brings you interviews with pet lovers and owners to tell all on the ins and outs, full particulars and incidentals that is in the heart and on the mind of our pet owner interviewees'. The 'In Conversation with My Owner' podcast marvels and wonders in curiosity for the intricacies and finer details of our beloved pets idiosyncrasies and characteristics. Normality nor expectation neither hold's our attention, the 'In Conversation with My Owner' podcast attends to the minutiae, trifles and niceties that fill the memorabilia to which are the reasons, the why and wherefore's of why our pet, is, indeed, special.