Your Fellow Human

Have you ever been told that pride or confidence as a woman is a negative thing?

Today I want to introduce you to Alejandra, a woman that I believe every woman, young and old, needs to hear from, and of course for the men in this world as well

Alejandra is a human that has chosen to let her life serve purpose, to have meaning, to impact others, and most importantly, to enjoy what and who she has become

We talk about learning new things no matter what point we are at in life, about what it means to be present in places as a woman and how being a mom makes that even more important not less

She shares the fear of someday not having the energy to do all she can and loves to do, but also how that allows and pushes her to use her time and build wisdom to share with others

She shares the difficulty in running a hotel, supporting her employees, and what it means to be a leader in the storm of 2020

We talk about her hotel Rennova and the choice to renovate what life can become, the power we give when we believe in someone and remind them that it is hard but to face it and move forward, and the we are who we decide to become

So tune in today and meet Alejandra, a human full of passion for life, one that is aware of challenges but not unwilling to press into them, a woman and a mother that knows the value of showing her kids what it means to become all they were meant to be, and a human intentionally making an impact on the world one life at a time 

And to you Alejandra thank you, thank you for the reminder of what it is we are able to do in this life, for being a woman I can look to and be encouraged and inspired by, for the opportunity to know you and learn your story, and to see first hand the impact your work is having on humanity. This world may be full of challenges but it is humans like you that make it so rich and full of beauty

If you are traveling to Bolivia and would like to stay at Rennova you can book a room HERE
or if you would like to connect with Alejandra on any of the projects she has built you can follow along and find her HERE

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.