Work In Progress

Calling all lovers of fitness, especially spin! In this episode of the Work In Progress podcast, Alex and Gabe sit down with Andrew Obrecht, co-founder of YYC Cycle and YEG Cycle. Listen in on a candid conversation about the impacts of the pandemic on the fitness industry and, despite it all, the importance of community in bettering ourselves.

Show Notes

Calling all lovers of fitness, especially spin! In this episode of the Work In Progress podcast, Alex and Gabe sit down with Andrew Obrecht, co-founder of YYC Cycle and YEG Cycle. Listen in on a candid conversation about the impacts of the pandemic on the fitness industry and, despite it all, the importance of community in bettering ourselves.

YYC Cycle:
YEG Cycle:
Culinary Coworking:
Work Nicer:
Shakespeare Fact Check:
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know:
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life:
Andrew’s Football Profile:
What is the DiSC Assessment?:

What is Work In Progress?

Well, it's not really a business podcast, and it's not quite a social podcast—we'll be honest, we're not 100% sure what it is. But we promise it'll be a good time!

Work in Progress is a monthly podcast featuring extraordinary people and their journeys—the good, the bad, and all its unexpected twists and turns.