Worrier to Warrior

Our first episode of 2020 is an inspiring conversation with Coby Kozlowski. Coby is a senior faculty member at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and Esalen Institute and author of the wonderful book- One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes.

Show Notes

Our first episode of 2020 is an inspiring conversation with Coby Kozlowski. Coby is a senior faculty member at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and Esalen Institute and author of the wonderful book- One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes. 
She’s been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Wellness, and was named “one of the seven yoga teachers who have changed the practice.” Her vibrant and inclusive style as a speaker, yoga and meditation educator, life coach trainer and author is infused with practical wisdom and heartfelt humor. 
About Coby:

Coby is the creator of Quarter-Life Calling: Creating an Extraordinary Life in Your 20’s, Karma Yoga Leadership Intensive: A One Degree Revolution (check out her Tedx talk One Degree Revolution: Small Shifts, Big Changes), creator of Kripalu Vinyasa, and is a lead trainer for the Radiance Sutras Meditation Teacher Training. 
We are honoured that Coby joined us for a meaningful chat about the practices that support her growth and her goals, why she is so dedicated to sharing the wisdom of yoga and meditation with others, the power of stepping out of the comfort zone and how to reframe self-consciousness. 

Contact Coby at www.cobyk.com
A Radiant Year:

We invite you to go deeper into the practices, skills and tools that support is in our very real contemporary lives. 
Our online weekly program “A Radiant Year” is here. This deep and soulful offering includes a thoughtfully designed video class delivered to you every Sunday that features Aimee and Lisa sharing the sweetness of yoga and Ayurveda in a way that helps you to feel better during the seasons of the year. We are in the midst of A Radiant Winter, supporting our community with movements, breath techniques, philosophy, cognitive skills, inquiries, nutrition and lifestyle coaching, recipes and much more to help you feel harmonized with the season of winter. 

The doors open for you to join us for “A Radiant Spring” on March 8th!

Head to aradiantyear.com for more information and to get on the waitlist!

Find out more about us and our offerings:
Be part of the conversation and ask to join the private FB page- “The Radiant Warrior Community”! Each week Aimee and Lisa post inspirations, tools and practices here to help you reclaim your courageous heart. Plus, they’ll be asking for your stories relating to upcoming shows. Radiant Warrior Facebook group. Join us on Instagram @theradiantwarriorpodcast.

What is Worrier to Warrior?

Lisa Dumas is a somatic therapist passionate about educating adults and teens about calming anxiety and compassionately attending to mental health challenges in self and community. Join her each week as she shares stories, skills and conversations to help you soothe an anxious mind and body and remember you’re stronger than you think you are.