Osborne Clarke.TV Podcasts

With conflict scenarios predicted to increase as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic and employees adapt to new working practices, coupled with the increasing focus on the ethical impact of business through "Environmental, Social and Governance", in this week's podcast we talk with Julian Hemming, partner and a chair of our International Employment team on the findings in Acas' latest report on the financial cost of conflict at work and the practical steps businesses should consider for managing it.

What is Osborne Clarke.TV Podcasts?

When disruption is the norm and you’re surrounded by complexity, you need clarity. Osborne Clarke's straight-talking legal experts will give you the insights and advice you need to get the right result.

Osborne Clarke is an international legal practice with over 270 Partners and more than 900 lawyers in 26 locations*. We help clients tackle the issues they’re facing today, and prepare for the ones they will face tomorrow.

*Services in India are provided by a relationship firm