How'd You Get Here?

Murphy Robinson is the Deputy Mayor of Denver. His journey to get there is one of dedication, hard work, and perseverance. It's exciting to hear how Murphy got to where he is and we are excited to follow him and see where he goes.

Show Notes

In this episode he talks about his upbringing,  the racist incidents he experienced and how they moulded him into who he is today and how he tried to make himself indispensable in every job he had.

Resources Mentioned:

Murphy’s Twitter

Xavier University

Brighton Sustainability

Georgetown University Energy Prize

What is How'd You Get Here??

Everyone in life has an interesting story about how they ended up where they are. On “How’d You Get Here?” we’re going to interview successful people, entrepreneurs, and creatives to hear their tales and wonderful stories of how they got to where they are. This show will offer encouragement and advice to those who are coming up and trying to figure it all out. You’ll see you're not so far from where you want to be and that you have what it takes to make it inside of you.