Faith & Fellowship

Fr. Sean Carroll, S.J., is the executive director of the Kino Border Initiative in Nogales, Mexico. He shared with us his experience and insight at our Civic Academy on February 28. Please take a listen to what he has to share, and if you would like to learn more and get involved with our Matthew 25 Project, visit

What is Faith & Fellowship?

St. Patrick Catholic Community is a community of Christian Disciples in Mission seeking to know, love, and serve God. We gather to hear God’s Word, feast at the table of the Lord, and then be sent forth empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are living beyond Sunday, seeking to encounter all people with an openness to hear their stories, inviting them into their spiritual home, walking together on a journey to deepen our relationship with God. Our podcasts extend this mission as an inclusive voice to reach people where they are. Through this show, we evangelize and engage by helping people contemplate, reflect, and participate in their faith beyond Sunday. With spreakers, teachings, events and more that are open, vibrant, active, accessible, and welcoming, we share that the church is alive.