Where's the Lemonade?

Darren and Paige have 4 grandkids. 8, 5, 3 and 6 months. They are so fun to be around and it is so fun to see our kids be parents. They were just talking about how so much has changed since they had babies. From childbirth, what to feed your babies, how to raise them, parent involvement etc.. Let’s explore the differences and see if these differences are for the better or ….

 Medical Advances

 Prenatal Care and Screening:

* Then: Limited prenatal screening options; basic ultrasound and some genetic tests.

* Now: Comprehensive prenatal screenings, including non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for genetic conditions, 

 3D/4D ultrasounds, and detailed anomaly scans.

 Fertility Treatments:

* Then: Basic fertility treatments like IVF were available but less refined.

* Now: Advanced reproductive technologies, including improved IVF techniques, egg freezing, and genetic screening of 


 Birth Practices:

* Then: More routine use of episiotomies, less emphasis on natural birth, 1 in 20 births were c section

* Now: Greater emphasis on natural and personalized birth plans, midwifery, and doulas; increased options for pain 

 management and labor support.1 in 5 births are c section.


 Information Access:

* Then: Reliance on books, limited internet resources, and advice from family and friends.

* Now: Extensive online resources, parenting apps, telemedicine consultations, and virtual support groups.

 Monitoring and Gadgets:

* Then: Basic baby monitors, fewer technological aids.

* Now: Smart baby monitors with video and health tracking features, wearable devices for babies, and smart nursery 


 Societal and Cultural Changes

 Parental Leave:

* Then: Shorter and less comprehensive parental leave policies in many places.

* Now: Improved parental leave policies in many regions, with some countries offering extended and paid leave for 

 both parents.

 Work-Life Balance:

* Then: More traditional roles with often one parent staying at home.

* Now: Increased focus on work-life balance, remote working options, and more fathers taking active roles in 


 Lifestyle and Parenting Trends

 Parenting Styles:

* Then: More authoritative and traditional parenting styles.

* Now: Emphasis on gentle parenting, attachment parenting, and positive discipline.

 Health and Safety:

* Then: Basic safety guidelines and fewer regulations.

* Now: Stringent safety standards for baby products, awareness of safe sleep practices (e.g., back-to-sleep campaign),

 and more focus on mental health.

 Financial and Economic Factors

 Cost of Raising a Child:

* Then: Lower overall costs, but fewer resources to manage expenses.

* Now: Higher costs associated with childcare, education, and healthcare, but more financial planning tools and resources.

 Economic Conditions:

* Then: Different economic pressures, often influenced by regional economic stability.

* Now: Current economic challenges, such as housing costs and student loan debts, affect family planning decisions.

These differences highlight the evolution in healthcare, technology, societal norms, and economic conditions that impact the experience of having and raising a child today compared to 20 years ago.

 Lemonade moment of the week:

David is gone we miss him. But he is working hard trying to become a state lifeguard.



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What is Where's the Lemonade??

They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Making lemonade is not always easy or possible. For us, we found ourselves single in our 40's with kids at home and starting life over again. Luckily we found each other, online no doubt. When we began blending families, schedules, traditions, and laundry, we discovered lots of lemons. Our podcast is a reflection on how we get through the hard times and enjoy the good times on our new journey together, all with ten kids in tow. Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemon squares. Lemonade might come later.