Book Wise

In this exciting first edition of “Paging Dr. Books,” host Britt Brewer A.K.A “Dr. Books” opens up the request line to a book-loving caller on the hunt for an inspirational read.

You can probably surmise from the name of the episode what title Dr. Books will ultimately recommend. However, before we delve into the Becoming of it all, let Dr. Books guide you through a tour of some thought-provoking, noteworthy books that standout in the First Lady Memoir genre.

So, sharpen your pencil and dust off that pad — ’cause Dr. Books is in the house, and she’s ready to recommend your next favorite book!

Books mentioned:
• “Becoming” by Michelle Obama
• “Living History,” “Hard Choices,” and “What Happened” by Hillary Clinton
• “The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt” by Eleanor Roosevelt
• “The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant” by Julia Dent Grant
• “The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty” by Susan Page

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What is Book Wise?

Welcome to Book Wise, where we explore leadership through books.

Books are “uniquely portable magic” (Stephen King) and “mirrors of the soul” (Virginia Woolf).

From, host Britt Brewer (with guest host appearances from CEO Jonathan Munk) helps you find the next book that stops you in your tracks… and just might shape your life and career.