PeopleFirst! with Morag Barrett

This week, we welcome Scott Mautz, an expert in mental strength, peak performance, change, employee engagement, and leadership. In his book, The Mentally Strong Leader, Scott discusses how to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to achieve exceptional outcomes.

Scott describes mentally strong leaders as a calm presence amid chaos, exercising self-discipline and endurance to thrive under adversity. They excel across six essential leadership tests linked to exceptional achievement.

Episode Chapters:

1:50 - Scott's journey and passion for discovery.
3:13 - Mental strength is managing yourself internally to lead externally.
10:40 - Exploring various forms of confidence.
17:47 - Mental strength in leadership tests.
24:10 - Special gift for listeners.

Listener Gift:

Scott offers a free, 60-page Companion Workbook, including:

- A 50-question Mental Strength Self-Assessment
- Templates for key exercises from the book
- Note-taking space for each chapter
- Prompt questions to enhance your reading experience. sure to grab our book!

You, Me, We: Why We All Need a Friend at Work (and How to Show Up As One!) The hardcover is available to preorder now! We've put our hearts into this exciting new book; we're sharing the insights of our research and experience as authors, best friends at work, and our leadership development programs around the world. You, Me, We is a book for leaders who want to improve― at leading, yes, but also at their lives. How so? By building deep, long-lasting relationships that set everybody up for success.

Get your copy here:

What is PeopleFirst! with Morag Barrett?

Welcome to SkyeTeam's People First! In this series, we explore the people side of successful business and careers. We all have a story to share, a leadership journey that we are experiencing.

We'll be interviewing authors, business leaders, thought leaders, and people like you to uncover the latest ideas, resources, and tools to help you become more effective at work - and in life. As it turns out, the secret is cultivating winning relationships. Business is personal, and relationships matter!