The Brigid & Josh Show

Have you been ever been overwhelmed by all this talk about right and left, communism and capitalism, progressives and conservatives and other political nerd speak? This week, Brigid and Josh break open the different approaches to politics as they talk about the 'Political Compass'!

Show Notes

The Political Compass!
In this episode, Brigid and Josh talk about different philosophies and approaches to politics, and how they are organised on the political spectrum or political compass.

How the Compass/Spectrum Works
The compass is organised according to two axes, covering three elements of politics; social policies, economic policies and leadership 'styles'.
Different positions occupy different places on the compass, which is organised into four quadrants - Authoritarian Left, Authoritarian Right, Libertarian Left and Libertarian Right.

Political Philosophies
There's HEAPS of different political philosophies out there, more than we have time for on the Podcast. Some of the more well known ones include Communism, Socialism, Populism, Neoliberalism, Nationalism, and classical liberalism.

Want to take the Political Compass quiz? Click here

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Welcome to the Brigid & Josh Show! This is the podcast where we talk about stuff young Catholics should care about.