No Office

In the 6th episode of the No Office podcast, Michael and Rafal share their opinions and conclusions after first ever Virtual Nozbe Reunion

Show Notes

Key things you will learn from this episode:
  • How to have fun together wioth a team from home
  • How not to bake cookies
  • How to watch live streams together
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Meet the Hosts
Show notes

Creators & Guests

Michael Sliwinski
Leading @Nozbe #productivity app | Writing #NoOffice book on #iPadOnly | Blog: | Husband & father of 3. 🐘 Find me at
Rafał Sobolewski
I work remotely #NoOffice and build Nozbe for almost 10 years. 🚄 I'm really into: bikes, trams, trains and urban planning. ⚽️📷 My other hobbies/interests are: #Apple #tech #football #soccer #fcbarcelona #photogtaphy #mobilePhotography 🇵🇱🇺🇸🇪🇸 I speak english, spanish and polish (native). Get in touch 👋

What is No Office?

A podcast by Nozbe about running 100% remote company and building a product. Hosted by Michael Sliwinski (CEO) and Rafal Sobolewski (Chief Product Officer).