Agency Journey

"I think the hardest thing that all HubSpot agencies are trying to solve for is… 500 product updates this year. How do you keep it all straight? How do you share that knowledge? How much knowledge do you have to know as a team, to what level? One thing that I practice and preach is: not everybody's going to know everything, but that collectively as a team and as an agency, we've got people in certain areas that are experts in those areas that we can rely on."

Adam Sharrow is the founder of Process Pro Consulting, a HubSpot Diamond Partner agency specializing in technical implementation, optimization, and support for businesses using HubSpot.

Drawing from his experience in building and scaling a successful HubSpot agency, Adam shares about navigating the challenges of growth, managing a team of experts, and staying ahead of the curve even as HubSpot releases 500+ product updates each year.

This episode of Agency Journey will be perfect for agency owners looking to specialize in a specific niche, such as HubSpot consulting, and build a sustainable, scalable business model.

You'll learn about the importance of conducting thorough client assessments, balancing quick wins with long-term strategic planning, and fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and expertise within your growing team.

Episode Insights:

💡 Challenges and strategies for running a HubSpot-focused agency—from a HubSpot Diamond Partner
💡 The trajectory of HubSpot: where it’s going in the future, and how it relates to how Salesforce grew
💡 The importance of a paid discovery/assessment—and seeing it through even when clients want to jump to solving specific issues
💡 The capacity planning challenges created by month-to-month retainers (and how to mitigate them)
💡 Staying on top of 500+ HubSpot product updates per year and managing collective internal expertise as you scale
💡 Addressing the challenges of scaling from 5 to 10 to 15 people—and how it impacts which metrics you track
💡 Specializing in your wheelhouse of expertise vs trying to solve everything + the benefits of partnering with other agencies for complementary needs
💡 How to build sales pipeline as a HubSpot agency

Resourced Mentioned:

📚 Process Pro Consulting website 
📚 Adam Sharrow on LinkedIn

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What is Agency Journey?

How do world-class agencies continue to grow profitably and hit their goals, even through the choppy waters and challenges of agency life?

How do leaders like Tiffany Sauder, Marcus Sheridan, Jay Acunzo, Shama Hyder, David C. Baker, Nikole Rose, and Zeb Evans think?

Join Agency Journey host Jakub Grajcar as he interviews agency operators and leaders to share insights, actionable tips, and hilarious stories from the builders who live in the agency trenches.

Each episode focuses on crucial aspects of growing an agency like building the right team, delegation, project management, client success and retention, and operating frameworks like EOS.

Brought to you by ZenPilot: we help lead your agency through the final project management implementation you’ll ever need. Book a call to learn more at

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